Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich: The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary has become one of my favorite spiritual reading. The kindle version is .99 (awesome!)

Anne Catherine had visions of all the events of creation from before creation, the lives of the holy family, Jesus’ life, death, crucifixion and resurrection.I have not read but plan to read the rest of her visions –  which Mel Gibson used to create the movie The Passion.

The life of the BVM

Anne’s visions are like being transported to the past and watching the Life of Mary. Anne had visions all her life and didn’t realize her gift until she understood that no one else could see what she saw. There is a history of dispute over the validity of her visions, yet there are many occurrences throughout the years that have proven what is recorded true. For example, the locating of the Blessed Virgin’s home, in present day Turkey.

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary focuses on the life of Mary. She describes in vivid detail the immaculate conception, the annunciation, the birth of Jesus, thought her death and assumption into heaven.

There is so much detail in her accounts that you feel transported, as she says she felt when she had these visions. The readings are detailed and they can become tedious if you try to read every word. Don’t let this stop you. Skip the details that don’t interest you and linger on those points and stories that do. The smallest glimpses you can personally appreciate and relate to are those that are of the most value.

The image of the humanity of the holy family is that for me. Their marriage was perfectly lived out but far from perfect. They struggled as all couples struggle working together and raising their children. On top of that, imagine what life was life for them in the early years of their marriage – when their beloved toddler was sought out by a murderous king who was searching for him, forcing them into hiding for years in a pagan land – talk about a rocky start for newly weds.

The humanity of the Mary and Joseph can be lost at times when we think how just how powerful of saints they are now, but it’s so important not to forget. The importance is in the fact that they understand our struggles on the deepest level and are so much closer to us than may appear at times. It’s difficult to see when we forget their humanity and maybe even view them as different from us, even superhuman or on a different level than ourselves.

The visions show they were very human. They struggled. They made mistakes. They had fears and worries as we all do. It was their trust and faith in God was complete and perfect. They put themselves completely in His trust and care. They followed Him faithfully. They were constantly serving him in a very real way, for He had become their son.

There are so many touching points in this book but I won’t spoil it for you. Read for yourself and you won’t be disappointed!


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